If you want to support the Black Taxi Cabs of London; this is the best. It gives you the notifications of Uber but still supports the Licensed drivers of the city. We were told of the app by our driver and decided to try it out on our way home from dinner. I out my information in, my location, and even secure credit card payment info. They replied with a driver photo, plate number, and even GPS as to where he was en route. He arrived, verified information and we were off. Made excellent polite conversation the whole trip and even had us laughing. When we got to our hotel, the best part: No need to pull out my credit card again, he puts the total in and my automatic tip I suggested is billed and we got on out without holding up traffic. AWESOME! Wont have to bother our Concierge any more with flagging us a cab for little runs.
gtholomew about Hailo - The Taxi App