Short version: the premise of the app is you input your location and your destination and you get where youre going hassle free. That doesnt happen in practice.
I arrived in Madrid and thought it would be convenient to use Hailo since Uber is not available and I do not speak Spanish. I figured the drivers would know where to pick me up and how to get where I was going. Alas, I was wrong.
About 25% of the time the driver called me right away to ask me something I couldnt understand in Spanish. Presumably asking me where I am. Then inevitably when I get into the car they still ask me where I am going even though I have put it into the app. Hailo either doesnt tell them how to navigate to the destination or the drivers decide not to use its navigation feature. This is all confusing to me because there is a simple protocol: pick me up at the address I put into the app, then you will see the destination and you can drive me there. Simple, right? Apparently not.
I am not sure if it is an issue with Hailo, its training of drivers, or the drivers themselves. But the entire point of simply inputting my location and my destination and knowing I will get there without hassle is lost.
English speaker in Madrid about Hailo - The Taxi App, v4.15.1